Complete Alphabetized List of Hymns

Worshipping our Creator with top quality accompaniment music.

Below you will find a complete list of every hymn in this set of 33 Compact Discs.

Hymns Alive is a compilation of about 700 hymns on 33 Compact Discs. Ninety eight percent of the hymns are known and loved by Christians of all denominations. Recorded in the order they appear in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal (organ - right channel, piano and sometimes other instruments - left channel), they accompany literally tens of thousands of worshipers every weekend.


Included on this list is ... Hymn Name, Time on Disc, Disc Number, Track Number, and Number of Hymn in the hymnal.

CSB = Crusade Song Book - an older song book that we found some nice hymns in.

M = stands for Many or Most... on Most discs we've included the 5 most often used responses used in worship. The Doxology, Hear Our Prayer Oh Lord, etc. also a song for the Children's Story. You'll notice "Trumpet Voluntary" and "Bridal March" not in the hymnal but handy if one can't find an organist for a small wedding.

CH = Church Hymnal, or the older SDA Hymnal.

Hymn Name                           	Time 	Disc No	Hymnal No.
A Child of the King                 	3:17 	24 - 8 	468
A Diligent and Grateful Heart        	2:32 	32 - 19	639
A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing            	3:51 	12 - 8 	228
A Mighty Fortress                    	3:51 	26 - 6 	506
A Quiet Place                         	3:03	26 - 3 	503
A Shelter in the Time of Storm        	3:25	27 - 8	528
A Song of Heaven and Homeland         	3:38	24 - 12	472
Abide With Me                         	3:16	3  - 10	50
Abide With Me, 'Tis Eventide          	3:26	3  - 6	46
All Creatures of Our God and King     	3:46	1  - 2 	2
All Glory, Laud, and Honor            	2:27	12 - 10	230
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name     	2:47	12 - 9 	229
All My Hope on God is Founded         	2:50	1  - 5 	5
All People That on Earth Do Dwell     	2:12	1  - 1	16
All Praise to Thee                    	2:03	3  - 13	53
All That Thrills My Soul              	3:40	10 - 9 	189
All the Way                           	2:49	26 - 16	516
All Things Are Thine                  	3:06	19 - 16	376
All Things Bright and Beautiful       	3:14	5  - 13	93
All Thins Come of Thee                	0:22	2  - 30	665
All Who Love and Serve Your City      	2:07	18 - 16	356
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!              	3:58	9  - 7 	167
Almight Father                        	0:31	11 - 26	693
Almighty Father                       	0:38	20 - 25	693
Almighty Father (organ only)          	0:38	20 - 25	693
Am I a Soldier of the Cross?          	2:22	31 - 9 	609
Amazing Grace                         	3:26	6  - 8 	108
Amens A-C                             	0:11	1  - 28	661
Amens D-F                             	0:11	2  - 26	663
An Upper Room                         	2:25	20 - 17	397
And Can It Be?                        	5:40	10 - 18	198
And Have the Bright Immensities Forest	2:12	9  - 8 	168
Angels From the Realms of Glory       	2:48	6  - 19	119
Angels We Have Heard on High          	4:20	8  - 2 	142
Anywhere With Jesus                   	2:25	26 - 8 	508
Arise, My Soul, Arise!                	2:53	2  - 18	38
As Birds Unto the Genial Homeland     	3:14	20 - 15	395
As It Fell Upon a Night               	2:17	7  - 9 	129
As Jacob With Travel Was Weary        	2:51	32 - 8 	628
As Pants the Hart                     	2:26	6  - 13	113
As Saints of Old                      	2:44	28 - 16	556
As the Bridegroom to His Chosen       	2:14	23 - 19	459
As Water to the Thirsty               	2:35	23 - 20	460
As We Come to You in Prayer           	0:59	4  - 26	671
As With Gladness Men of Old           	2:48	7  - 3 	123
As You Have Promised, Lord            	0:50	6  - 30	682
At First I Prayed for Light           	2:33	25 - 8 	488
At the Cross                          	3:15	9  - 3 	163
At the Name of Jesus                  	2:59	12 - 12	232
Awake, Awake to Love and Work         	2:08	29 - 16	576
Awake, My Soul!                       	2:12	31 - 11	611
Away in a Manger                      	2:26	7  - 4 	124
Away in a Manger alt. tune            	2:16	11 - 28	124
Balm in Gilead                        	2:38	24 - 15	475
Baptize us Anew                       	2:31	13 - 18	258
Be Still, My Soul                     	3:47	24 - 1 	461
Be Thou My Vision                     	3:01	28 - 7 	547
Beautiful Valley of Eden              	2:53	31 - 26	CSB10
Beautiful Zion                        	1:52	23 - 10	450
Because He Lives                      	3:16	27 - 6 	526
Before Jehovah's Awful Throne         	2:58	5  - 2 	82
Beneath the Cross of Jesus            	2:47	16 - 3 	303
Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite     	2:10	20 - 19	399
Bless Thou the Gifts                  	0:32	7  - 26	686
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine!     	2:54	24 - 2 	462
Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word            	2:43	3  - 20	60
Blest Be the King                     	3:22	12 - 11	231
Blest Be the Tie That Binds           	2:24	18 - 10	350
Bread of the World                    	1:41	20 - 18	398
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light 2:43	7  - 8	128
Break Thou the Bread of Life          	3:14	14 - 11	271
Breathe on Me, Breath of God          	2:02	14 - 5 	265
Bridal March (organ only)             	0:46	33 - 26	
Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy     	2:27	32 - 25	CSB7
Bringing in the Sheaves               	2:36	19 - 9 	369
Built on the Rock                     	5:03	18 - 7 	347
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary         	2:25	24 - 16	476
By Christ Redeemed                    	2:15	21 - 2 	402
Can You Count the Stars?              	2:21	5  - 18	98
Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord         	0:53	3  - 26	666
Cause Me to Hear                      	0:54	6  - 32	685
Chief of Sinners                      	2:07	15 - 15	295
Children of the Heavenly Father       	2:35	6  - 1 	101
Christ for the World                  	2:00	19 - 10	370
Christ Is Alive                       	2:18	10 - 2 	182
Christ Is Coming                      	2:15	11 - 1 	201
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation    	2:50	12 - 15	235
Christ Is the World's Light           	3:09	12 - 14	234
Christ Is the World's True Li..       	2:55	18 - 5 	345
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today        	3:36	9  - 6 	166
Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing 	2:38	21 - 15	415
Christ Upon the Mountain Peak         	3:21	8  - 7 	147
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies   	2:07	12 - 13	233
Christian, Seek Not Repose            	2:15	31 - 3 	603
Come Down, O Love Divine              	3:35	13 - 17	257
Come, All Christians, Be Committed    	3:01	32 - 14	634
Come, Christians, Join to Sing        	2:24	1  - 10	10
Come, Come, Ye Saints                 	2:21	32 - 2 	622
Come, Holy Spirit                     	2:50	14 - 9 	269
Come, Labor On                        	2:14	18 - 17	357
Come, Let Us Sing                     	3:02	13 - 12	252
Come, My Way                          	1:51	13 - 7 	247
Come, O Sabbath Day                   	2:19	20 - 7 	387
Come, Sing a Song of Harvest          	2:11	29 - 2 	562
Come, Thou Almighty King              	2:27	4  - 14	71
Come, Thou Fount of Every Bles.       	2:27	17 - 14	334
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus        	2:18	11 - 4 	204
Come, Ye Disconsolate                 	2:57	24 - 17	477
Come, Ye Sinners                      	3:44	14 - 20	280
Come, Ye Thankful People              	3:04	28 - 17	557
Come, You Faithful                    	4:36	9  - 10	170
Come, You Faithful                    	3:00	9  - 9 	169
Cover With His Life                   	4:39	21 - 12	412
Creator of the Stars of Night         	1:29	4  - 12	72
Crown Him With Many Crowns            	2:57	12 - 3 	223
Crowning Jewel of Creation            	2:22	20 - 5 	385
Day by Day                            	3:30	27 - 12	532
Day by Day, Dear Lord                 	0:40	7  - 29	689
Day Is Dying in the West              	4:38	3  - 11	51
Day of Judgement, Day of Wonders!     	2:38	21 - 18	418
Dear Lord and Father                  	1:02	25 - 1 	481
Dear Lord and Father                  	3:36	24 - 20	480
Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun      	2:17	20 - 12	392
Deeper Yet                            	2:34	16 - 2 	302
Depth of Mercy                        	2:08	27 - 1 	521
Dismiss Us, Lord, With Blessing       	0:38	7  - 30	690
Does Jesus Care?                      	3:36	10 - 1 	181
Don't Forget the Sabbath              	3:15	20 - 2 	388
Don't You See My Jesus Coming?        	1:35	23 - 14	454
Draw Me Nearer                        	2:36	16 - 6 	306
Draw Us in the Spirit's               	3:08	13 - 19	259
Eternal Father, Strong to Save        	2:52	5  - 5 	85
Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds      	3:29	5  - 10	90
Eternal Love, We Have No Good         	2:12	25 - 16	496
Every Flower That Grows               	1:45	28 - 10	550
Every Star Shall Sing a Carol         	2:09	2  - 4 	24
Face to Face                          	4:05	11 - 6 	206
Fairest Lord Jesus                    	3:25	12 - 20	240
Faith Is the Victory                  	2:58	31 - 8 	608
Faith of Our Fathers                  	2:32	16 - 4 	304
Far and Near the Fields Are...        	2:35	18 - 18	358
Far From All Care                     	3:08	20 - 14	394
Father, Help Your People              	3:15	18 - 13	353
Father, Lead Me Day by Day            	2:10	25 - 2 	482
Father, We Thank You                  	2:06	29 - 6 	566
Father, Who on Us Do Shower           	2:01	33 - 3 	643
Fight the Good Fight                  	2:21	31 - 13	613
Fill My Cup, Lord                     	4:05	25 - 13	493
Fire of God, Thou Sacred Flame        	2:07	14 - 3 	263
For All the Saints                    	3:22	22 - 1 	421
For Beauty of Meadows                 	2:10	32 - 20	640
For God So Loved Us                   	1:50	4  - 18	78
For Sunrise Hope and Sunset Calm      	2:16	29 - 4 	564
For the Beauty of the Earth           	2:14	29 - 5 	565
For the Fruits of His Creation        	3:02	28 - 18	558
For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country        	4:26	22 - 4 	424
For You I Am Praying                  	4:19	15 - 4 	284
For Your Holy Book We Thank You       	2:43	14 - 17	277
Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive        	2:18	15 - 19	299
From Every Stormy Wind               	2:44	27 - 7	527
From the Eastern Mountain            	3:25	18 - 20	360
Fruiful Trees, the Spirit's Sowing   	2:00	21 - 14	414
Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild          	1:47	27 - 20	540
Gethsemane                           	0:38	21 - 25	
Give Me Jesus                        	3:13	16 - 5 	305
Give Me the Bible                    	2:48	14 - 12	272
Give of Your Best to the Master      	4:13	29 - 12	572
Give to Our god Immortal Praise      	2:23	6  - 6	106
Give to the Winds Your Fears         	1:57	26 - 19	519
Gleams of the Golden Morning         	3:14	11 - 5 	205
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken   	3:24	22 - 3 	423
Glory Be to the Father *             	0:36	M  - 22	660
Glory Be to the Father *             	0:36	M  - 21	660
Go Forth, Go Forth With Christ       	2:47	19 - 17	377
Go to Dark Gethsemane                	2:23	8  - 17	157
Go, Preach My Gospel                 	2:27	19 - 18	378
Go, Tell It on the Mountain          	2:24	7  - 1	121
God Be in My Head                    	0:48	6  - 26	678
God Be in My Head                    	0:42	6  - 27	679
God Be Merciful to Me                	3:27	15 - 17	297
God Be With You                      	4:27	4  - 5	65
God Be With You                      	2:26	4  - 6	66
God Has Spoken By His Prophets       	3:31	21 - 13	413
God Himself Is With Us               	2:59	1  - 3	3
God in His Love for Us               	3:16	33 - 1 	641
God Is Here!                         	5:10	4  - 1	61
God is Love                          	3:22	18 - 9 	349
God Is My Strong Salvation           	2:16	17 - 19	339
God Is Our Song                      	3:47	2  - 2	22
God Is Working His Purpose Out       	3:39	12 - 5 	225
God Moves in a Mysterious Way        	2:10	6  - 7	107
God of Grace and God of Glory        	3:27	31 - 7 	607
God of Our Fathers                   	3:14	33 - 5 	645
God the Omnipotent                   	3:06	5  - 4	84
God Who Spoke in the Beginning       	2:25	5  - 7	87
God Will Take Care of You            	4:02	5  - 19	99
God's Free Mercy Streameth           	3:30	6  - 10	110
God's Love In Me by Susan Maehre     	0:37	18 - 24	
God's Love in Me by Susan Maehre     	0:37	17 - 24	
God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven   	3:34	3  - 7	47
God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens	2:53	27 - 16	536
God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending    	2:54	32 - 16	636
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!     	2:53	9  - 13	173
Good Christians, Now Rejoice         	2:10	7  - 16	136
Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children  	2:34	32 - 1 	621
Grant Us Your Peace                  	4:58	24 - 11	471
Great Is Thy Faithfulness Faithfulness	3:54	5  - 20	100
Great Our Joy as Now We Gather       	2:59	3  - 19	59
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah       	2:16	27 - 18	538
Hail Him the King of Glory           	2:33	11 - 2 	202
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise      	3:23	9  - 16	176
Happy the Home                       	2:20	33 - 15	655
Happy the Home That Welcomes You     	2:34	33 - 11	651
Hark! 'Tis the Shepherd's Voice I Hear	2:40	19 - 1 	361
Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voice   	2:27	12 - 2 	222
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing         	3:21	7  - 2	122
Hark! the Voice of Jesus Call..      	2:59	18 - 19	359
Hark, the Vesper Hymn Is Stealing    	1:27	3  - 18	58
Have Thine Own Way, Lord             	3:27	29 - 7 	567
He Hideth My Soul                    	4:35	26 - 20	520
He Leadeth Me                        	3:36	27 - 17	537
He Lives                             	3:56	13 - 11	251
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord  *           	0:34	M  - 22	684
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord  *           	0:34	M  - 23	684
Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now        	1:55	15 - 13	293
Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer     	3:14	33 - 18	658
Heavenly Father, to Thee We Pray     	0:39	5  - 27	677
Heavenly Sunshine                    	0:48	28 - 25	CSB14
Heir of the Kingdom                  	2:30	30 - 14	594
Hiding In Thee                       	3:35	27 - 5 	525
Higher Ground                        	3:02	32 - 5 	625
Hold Fast Till I Come                	3:30	30 - 20	600
Holy God, We Praise Your Name        	2:49	2  - 10	30
Holy Sabbath Day of Rest             	4:24	20 - 1 	381
Holy Spirit, Gracious Guest          	2:55	30 - 9 	589
Holy Spirit, Hear Us                 	1:19	6  - 28	680
Holy Spirit, Light Divine            	2:35	14 - 8 	268
Holy, Holy, Holy                     	1:36	1  - 26	661
Holy, Holy, Holy                     	3:29	4  - 13	73
Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing  	5:43	22 - 5 	425
Hover O'er Me, Holy Spirit           	3:28	13 - 20	260
How Beauteous Are Their Feet         	2:20	19 - 12	372
How Cheering Is the Christian's Hope 	2:46	22 - 20	440
How Far From Home?                   	3:35	22 - 19	439
How Firm a Foundation                	2:50	26 - 9 	509
How Great Thou Art                   	5:32	5  - 6	86
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place     	2:04	4  - 2	62
How Sweet Are the Tidings            	3:27	23 - 2 	442
How Sweet the Name!                  	2:15	12 - 18	238
I Am Coming to the Cross             	3:09	16 - 7 	307
I Am Going to Calvary                	3:10	15 - 8 	288
I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus       	1:59	27 - 15	535
I Cannot Tell Why                    	5:22	13 - 15	255
I Come With Joy                      	2:42	20 - 20	400
I Do Believe                         	2:40	25 - 6 	486
I Gave My Life for Thee              	2:36	15 - 1 	281
I Hear Thy Welcome Voice             	3:35	15 - 2 	282
I Heard the Voice of Jesus           	2:43	24 - 5 	465
I Know Whom I Have Believed          	3:29	26 - 11	511
I Lay My Sins on Jesus               	2:49	15 - 18	298
I Love Thee                          	2:58	12 - 16	236
I Love to Tell the Story             	4:20	23 - 17	457
I Love Your Kingdom, Lord            	1:57	18 - 4 	344
I Must Tell Jesus                    	2:59	25 - 5 	485
I Need the Prayers                   	3:29	26 - 5 	505
I Need Thee Every Hour               	3:04	25 - 3 	483
I Need Thee, Precious Jesus          	2:52	25 - 4 	484
I Saw One Weary                      	3:47	23 - 1 	441
I Shall See the King                 	2:51	22 - 6 	426
I Sing the Mighty Power of God       	2:14	5  - 8	88
I Surrender All                      	3:45	16 - 9 	309
I Think When I Read That Sweet Story 	1:48	8  - 6	146
I Vow to Thee, My Country            	2:49	33 - 8 	648
I Want Jesus to Walk With Me         	2:37	32 - 4 	624
I Want to Be Ready                   	1:01	28 - 26	CSB31
I Will Early Seek the Savior         	2:21	27 - 19	539
I Will Follow Thee                   	3:56	32 - 3 	623
I Will Sing of Jesus' Love           	2:37	10 - 3 	183
I Will Sing of My Redeemer           	2:55	18 - 3 	343
I Would Be Like Jesus                	3:15	16 - 11	311
I Would Be True                      	3:02	14 - 26	CH425
I Would Be True                      	3:02	14 - 26	CH425
I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus         	2:45	16 - 10	310
I'd Rather Have Jesus                	4:10	17 - 7 	327
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go      	4:29	29 - 13	573
I'm A Pilgrim                        	2:47	23 - 4 	444
I'm But a Stranger Here              	2:49	23 - 5 	445
I'm Going Home                       	2:30	22 - 17	437
I've Found a Friend                  	2:54	10 - 6 	186
If You But Trust in God to Guide You 	3:47	26 - 10	510
If You Want Joy                      	1:27	29 - 26	CSB7
Immortal Love, Forever Full          	2:32	23 - 45	
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise   	2:26	2  - 1	21
In a Little While We're Going Home   	3:44	32 - 6 	626
In Christ There Is No East nor West  	1:53	30 - 7 	587
In Heavenly Love Abiding             	3:22	26 - 13	513
In Imitation, Lord of Thee           	2:13	21 - 1 	401
In Our Work and in Our Play          	2:14	30 - 11	591
In the Bleak Midwinter               	2:43	7  - 6	126
In the Cross of Christ I Glory       	2:36	12 - 17	237
In the Garden                        	3:43	25 - 7 	487
In the Heart of Jesus                	3:03	29 - 17	577
In the Hour of Trial                 	2:56	25 - 11	491
In Times Like These                  	3:44	30 - 13	593
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly            	1:56	7  - 7	127
Into My Heart                        	1:34	28 - 28	
Introit (Olive's Brow)               	0:34	21 - 25	
Is My Name Written There?            	2:50	28 - 29	CSB22
Is This a Day of New Beginni..       	3:05	18 - 2 	342
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear      	3:18	7  - 10	130
It Is Well With My Soul              	3:16	27 - 10	530
It May Be at Morn                    	3:23	11 - 7 	207
It Took a Miracle                    	3:18	6  - 11	111
Jacob's Ladder                       	2:29	32 - 7 	627
Jerusalem the Golden                 	3:27	22 - 9 	429
Jerusalem, My Happy Home             	2:08	21 - 20	420
Jesus Calls Us                       	1:44	15 - 5 	285
Jesus Invites His Saints             	1:59	21 - 9 	409
Jesus Is All the World to Me         	3:14	10 - 5 	185
Jesus Is Calling                     	3:13	29 - 25	CSB77
Jesus Is Coming Again                	2:38	11 - 13	213
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling            	3:17	14 - 27	CH569
Jesus Loves Me                       	0:43	M  - 24	190
Jesus Loves Me                       	0:43	M  - 25	190
Jesus Loves Me                       	2:32	10 - 10	190
Jesus Loves the Little Children      	0:22	M  - 25	
Jesus Paid It All                    	3:01	10 - 4 	184
Jesus Saves                          	2:30	17 - 20	340
Jesus Savior, Pilot Me               	2:09	28 - 11	551
Jesus Shall Reign                    	3:04	12 - 7 	227
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley    	1:55	8  - 11	151
Jesus, Friend of Little Children     	1:50	28 - 3 	543
Jesus, Friend So Kind                	1:54	28 - 2 	542
Jesus, Guide Our Way                 	2:04	28 - 13	553
Jesus, I Come                        	3:50	15 - 12	292
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken         	3:37	17 - 5 	325
Jesus, Lover of My Soul              	3:53	25 - 9 	489
Jesus, Lover of My Soul              	4:00	25 - 10	490
Jesus, Priceless Treasure            	3:45	12 - 23	
Jesus, Son of Blessed Mary           	1:43	28 - 4 	544
Jesus, Stand Among Us                	0:24	6  - 31	683
Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me      	1:17	3  - 15	55
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee      	2:50	13 - 1 	241
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts     	3:13	13 - 2 	242
Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners     	3:39	10 - 7 	187
Jesus, With Thy Church Abide         	1:56	19 - 14	374
Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness  	2:25	9  - 17	177
Joy By and By                        	2:27	22 - 10	430
Joy to the World                     	2:30	7  - 5	125
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee        	2:23	1  - 12	12
Just as I Am                         	4:21	16 - 14	314
Just as I Am                         	3:24	16 - 13	313
Just as I Am, Tnine Own to Be        	2:18	17 - 4 	324
Just When I Need Him Most            	3:25	26 - 12	512
King of Glory, King of Peace         	2:37	13 - 3 	243
Lead Me Lord (organ only)            	0:55	21 - 28	691
Lead Me Lord (ORGAN ONLY, stereo)    	0:55	21 - 28	691
Lead Me to Calvary                   	3:24	16 - 17	317
Lead Me, Lord                        	0:45	7  - 31	691
Lead On, O King Eternal              	2:19	31 - 19	619
Lead Them, My God, to The            	3:25	33 - 13	653
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms      	2:25	24 - 9 	469
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence    	0:50	1  - 27	662
Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise  	2:17	5  - 9	89
Let All the World in Every Corner    	2:08	1  - 9	9
Let All Things Now Living            	2:20	28 - 20	560
Let Every Lamp  Be Burning           	3:05	30 - 15	595
Let My People Go                     	1:14	33 - 20	CSB86
Let Us Break Bread Together          	2:10	21 - 3 	403
Let Us Praise the Name of the        	0:54	1  - 14	14
Let Us With a Gladsome Mind          	2:01	6  - 12	112
Let Your Heart Be Broken             	3:35	29 - 15	575
Life Is Great! So Sing About It      	3:16	24 - 7 	467
Lift High the Cross                  	4:05	19 - 2 	362
Lift Him Up                          	3:59	19 - 11	371
Lift Up Your Heads                   	3:01	12 - 6 	226
Light of Light, Enlighten Me         	2:04	20 - 9 	389
Like a River Glorious                	3:57	4  - 14	74
Like Jesus                           	4:29	25 - 12	492
Live Out Thy Life Within Me          	3:09	16 - 16	316
Lo! He Comes                         	2:48	11 - 11	211
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming         	2:16	7  - 11	131
Lo, What a Glorious Sight Appears    	5:19	23 - 6 	446
Long Upon the Mountains              	3:24	23 - 7 	447
Look for the Waymarks                	2:55	30 - 16	596
Look, You Saints! the Sight Is Gloriou	3:27	9  - 5	165
Lord God, Your Love Has Called Us Here	4:18	20 - 16	396
Lord I'm Coming Home                 	4:33	15 - 16	296
Lord In the Morning (one verse arr.)    0:33	21 - 26	39
Lord In the Morning                 	1:51	2  - 19 	39
Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men    	1:33	14 - 18	278
Lord Jesus, Think on Me              	1:56	26 - 4 	504
Lord of All Being, Throned Afar      	3:23	1  - 17	17
Lord of All Good                     	2:32	32 - 15	635
Lord of All Nations                  	2:52	30 - 8 	588
Lord of Creation                     	2:56	16 - 20	320
Lord Of Our Life                     	2:34	26 - 14	514
Lord of the Boundless Curves of Space	2:03	5  - 17	97
Lord of the Sabbath                  	3:13	20 - 13	393
Lord, Bless Our Homes                	3:09	33 - 14	654
Lord, Bless Thy Word to Every Heart  	0:39	3  - 27	667
Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing   	1:48	4  - 4	64
Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor 	2:44	21 - 8 	408
Lord, I Have Made Thy word My Choice 	3:23	14 - 13	273
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian       	3:29	16 - 19	319
Lord, in the Morning                 	1:51	2  - 19	39
Lord, Make Us More Holy              	1:42	4  - 9	69
Lord, Speak to Me                    	1:41	28 - 1 	541
Lord, While for All Mankind          	2:04	33 - 9 	649
Lord, Who Dost Give to Thy Chu.      	3:59	18 - 6 	346
Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service   	2:38	19 - 3 	363
Love at Home                         	3:09	33 - 12	652
Love Consecrates the Humblest Act    	1:44	21 - 6 	406
Love Divine                          	3:22	10 - 11	191
Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep         	1:35	28 - 9 	549
Make Me a Captive, Lord              	2:24	29 - 8 	568
Marching to Zion                     	3:12	22 - 2 	422
Marvelous Grace                      	3:39	6  - 9	109
May God Be With You                  	0:49	4  - 28	673
May the Grace of Christ Our Savior   	1:13	33 - 19	659
May the Lord Bless and Keep You      	0:21	4  - 30	675
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory        	2:41	33 - 7 	647
Moment by Moment                     	4:45	26 - 7 	507
More About Jesus                     	3:20	13 - 5 	245
More Love to Thee                    	3:30	23 - 18	458
Morning Has Broken                   	2:27	3  - 4	44
Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone      	2:19	17 - 8 	328
My Desire, To Be Like Jesus          	1:13	27 - 25	CSB96
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place   	3:24	27 - 3 	523
My Faith Looks Up to Thee            	2:40	26 - 17	517
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less     	2:40	27 - 2 	522
My Jesus, I Love Thee                	3:25	17 - 1 	321
My Lord and I                        	2:52	23 - 45	
My Maker and My King                 	2:09	1  - 15	15
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Resig.	4:33	6  - 4	104
My Song Is Love Unknown              	4:33	10 - 8 	188
My Song Shall Be of Jesus            	2:52	13 - 4 	244
My Soul, Be on Thy Guard             	1:25	31 - 5 	605
Nature With Open Volume Stands       	2:21	5  - 14	94
Near the Cross                       	4:08	16 - 12	312
Near to the Heart of God             	2:46	25 - 15	495
Nearer My God, to Thee               	4:32	24 - 13	473
Nearer, Still Nearer                 	4:00	16 - 1 	301
Never Part Again                     	4:50	23 - 9 	449
New Songs of Celebration             	3:44	1  - 13	13
No Night There                       	3:35	22 - 7 	427
Not I, but Christ                    	2:34	29 - 10	570
Nothing Between                      	3:34	17 - 2 	322
Now All the Woods Are Sleeping       	2:50	3  - 17	57
Now Is Born the Divine Christ Child  	1:48	7  - 13	133
Now Let Us From This Table Rise      	2:27	21 - 4 	404
Now Praise the Hidden God of Love    	1:58	28 - 8 	548
Now Thank We All Our God             	2:29	28 - 19	559
Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky  	2:12	3  - 2	42
Now the Day Is Over                  	1:46	3  - 12	52
Now the Green Blade Rises            	2:24	9  - 15	175
Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing       	2:30	2  - 2	23
O Brother, Be Faithful               	4:00	31 - 2 	602
O Come, All Ye Faithful              	2:59	7  - 12	132
O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord      	2:54	4  - 3	63
O Come, O Come, Immanuel             	3:22	6  - 15	115
O Day of Rest and Gladness           	2:49	20 - 2 	382
O Day of Rest and Gladness           	2:36	20 - 3 	383
O for a Closer Walk!                 	2:36	16 - 15	315
O for a Faith                        	2:49	27 - 13	533
O for a Heart to Praise My God!      	2:12	17 - 3 	323
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing     	2:17	13 - 10	250
O for That Flame of Living Fire      	2:59	14 - 4 	264
O Gladsome Light                     	2:04	3  - 14	54
O God of Light                       	3:15	14 - 15	275
O God, From Whom Mankind             	3:17	33 - 17	657
O God, Our Help                      	2:20	6  - 3	103
O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near         	1:52	21 - 5 	405
O God, Whose Will Is Life and Good   	2:29	33 - 4 	644
O Gracious Father of Mankind         	3:49	25 - 17	497
O Happy Band of Pilgrims             	2:10	32 - 9 	629
O Holy Dove of God Descending        	2:16	14 - 10	270
O Jesus Christ, to You               	2:39	19 - 4 	364
O Jesus Sweet                        	3:36	7  - 14	134
O Jesus, I Have Promised             	2:44	17 - 11	331
O Jesus, Thou Art Standing           	2:58	15 - 3 	283
O Let Me Walk With Thee              	3:00	28 - 14	554
O Listen to Our Wondrous Story       	2:51	9  - 20	180
O Little Town of Bethlehem           	3:28	7  - 15	135
O Lord, Now Let Your Servant         	2:19	4  - 7	67
O Love of God Most Full              	1:48	4  - 17	77
O Love of God, How Strong and True!  	3:07	4  - 19	79
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go       	2:44	4  - 16	76
O Love, How Deep, How Broad Inf. Love	3:58	8  - 8	148
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee      	2:43	29 - 14	574
O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright  	4:43	1  - 18	18
O Perfect Love                       	2:35	33 - 16	656
O Praise Ye the Lord                 	2:39	1  - 20	20
O Sacred head Now Wounded            	4:00	8  - 16	156
O Shepherd Divine                    	3:25	10 - 12	192
O Sing a New Song to the Lord        	1:41	1  - 19	19
O Sing a Song of Bethlehem           	3:19	8  - 4	144
O Sing, My Soul, Your Maker's Praise 	3:10	2  - 17	37
O Solemn Thought                     	4:00	21 - 17	417
O Splendor of God's Glory Bright     	2:09	3  - 1	41
O Thou in Whose Presence             	2:46	2  - 16	36
O Thou Who Hearest                   	0:47	3  - 28	668
O Where Are the Reapers?             	2:34	19 - 6 	366
O Word of God Incarnate              	3:38	14 - 14	274
O World of God  Jerusalem            	2:56	4  - 20	80
O Worship the King                   	2:28	5  - 3	83
O Worship the Lord                   	2:25	1  - 6	6
O Zion, Haste                        	4:20	19 - 5 	365
O, How I Love Jesus                  	2:30	13 - 8 	248
O, When Shall I See Jesus            	2:39	23 - 8 	448
Of the Father's Love Begotten        	2:23	6  - 16	116
On Jordan's Banks the Bapt...        	2:14	17 - 13	333
On Jordan's Stormy Banks             	3:18	31 - 20	620
On Our Way Rejoicing                 	3:04	4  - 8	68
Once in Royal David's City           	3:10	8  - 9	149
Once to Every Man and Nation         	4:30	31 - 6 	606
Only Trust Him                       	3:34	14 - 19	279
Onward, Christian Soldiers!          	4:09	31 - 12	612
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty         	2:57	3  - 5	45
Open y Eyes That I May See           	2:41	17 - 6 	326
Our Father, by Whose Name            	2:43	33 - 10	650
Over Yonder                          	3:11	22 - 11	431
Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior          	3:19	29 - 9 	569
Peace, Perfect Peace                 	1:50	24 - 3 	463
Power in the Blood                   	2:21	15 - 14	294
Praise and Thanksgiving              	1:22	29 - 3 	563
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings  	0:46	11 - 27	695
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings *	0:28	M  - 24	694
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings *	0:38	M  - 23	694
Praise Him! Praise Him!              	2:53	13 - 9 	249
Praise the Lord! You Heavens Adore Him	2:31	2  - 6	26
Praise the Lord, His Glories Show    	2:30	2  - 5	25
Praise to the Lord                   	2:27	1  - 1	1
Praise We the Lord                   	2:47	2  - 8	28
Praise Ye the Father                 	1:59	4  - 10	70
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven  	2:37	1  - 4	4
Prelude Fugue arrang. Bach         	1:33	21 - 27	
Prince of Peace, Control My Will     	1:43	8  - 13	153
Redeemed!                            	2:31	17 - 18	338
Redeemed!                            	2:14	17 - 17	337
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers          	3:15	30 - 19	599
Rejoice, the Lord Is King            	2:46	12 - 1 	221
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart            	2:44	2  - 7	27
Rescue the Perishing                 	2:11	19 - 7 	367
Ride On in Majesty                   	2:53	8  - 20	160
Rise Up, O Church of God             	1:42	31 - 15	615
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow        	3:02	7  - 18	138
Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings 	2:41	32 - 10	630
Rock of Ages                         	2:07	15 - 20	300
Safely Through Another Week          	2:59	20 - 4 	384
Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing  	2:07	3  - 9	49
Savior, Like a Shepherd              	2:49	28 - 5 	545
Savior, Teach Me                     	2:12	10 - 13	193
Seek Ye First the Kingdom            	4:14	12 - 4 	224
Seeking the Lost                     	3:19	19 - 13	373
Sent Forth by God's Blessing         	2:28	21 - 7 	407
Sevenfold Amen                       	0:36	2  - 29	664
Shall We Gather at the River         	3:16	22 - 12	432
Shalom                               	1:32	4  - 29	674
Shepherd of Tender Youth             	3:01	28 - 15	555
Showers of Blessing                  	2:44	10 - 15	195
Silent Night, Holy Night             	3:38	8  - 3	143
Sing a New Song to the Lord          	1:57	2  - 13	33
Sing Praise to God                   	3:33	2  - 9	29
Sing to the Great Jehovah's Prais    	2:08	6  - 5	105
Sing We of the Modern City           	3:37	10 - 14	194
So Send I You                        	3:32	29 - 18	578
Softly and Tenderly                  	3:17	15 - 7 	287
Softly Now the Light of Day          	1:34	3  - 8	48
Soldiers of Christ, Arise            	2:36	31 - 16	616
Son of God, Eternal Savior           	4:42	32 - 17	637
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise     	3:29	8  - 5	145
Soon Shall the Trump of God          	1:33	21 - 19	419
Sound the Battle Cry                 	2:18	31 - 14	614
Spirit Divine                        	2:25	14 - 7 	267
Spirit of God                        	4:01	14 - 6 	266
Spirit of the Living God             	0:59	4  - 27	672
Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers 	2:30	5  - 15	95
Stand Like the Brave                 	2:51	31 - 10	610
Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!        	3:04	31 - 18	618
Standing On the Promises             	2:33	26 - 18	518
Star of Our Hope                     	2:38	9  - 14	174
Still, Still With Thee               	3:54	25 - 18	498
Sun of My Soul                       	2:47	26 - 2 	502
Sunshine in the Soul                 	3:18	17 - 25	CSB97
Surely     (ORGAN ONLY) stereo       	0:52	19 - 27	688
Surely (organ only)                  	0:52	19 - 26	688
Surely, Surely                       	0:35	7  - 28	688
Sweet By and By                      	2:42	22 - 8 	428
Sweet Hour of Prayer                 	3:37	24 - 18	478
Sweet, Sweet Spirit                  	2:30	14 - 2 	262
Take My Life and Let It Be           	2:25	17 - 10	330
Take the Name of Jesus With You      	3:15	24 - 14	474
Take the World, but Give Me J..      	2:55	17 - 9 	329
Take Time to Be Holy                 	3:16	25 - 20	500
Tell Me the Old, Old Story           	3:48	10 - 16	196
Tell Me the Story of Jesus           	4:12	8  - 12	152
Tell Out, My Soul                    	3:02	2  - 11	31
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand      	3:29	22 - 13	433
Thanks to God                        	2:26	14 - 16	276
That Glorious Day Is Coming          	2:35	11 - 9 	209
The Advent of Our God                	1:49	6  - 17	117
The Church Has One Foundation        	3:02	18 - 8 	348
The Church Has Waited Long           	1:56	11 - 17	217
The Cleansing Wave                   	2:56	17 - 12	332
The Dawn of God's Dear Sabbath       	3:14	2  - 20	40
The Day Thou Gavest                  	2:28	3  - 16	56
The First Noel                       	5:24	6  - 18	118
The Glory Song                       	3:10	22 - 15	435
The God of Abraham Praise            	2:30	1  - 11	11
The Great Physician Now Is Near      	3:04	13 - 14	254
The Head That Once Was Crowned       	1:59	10 - 19	199
The Homeland                         	3:40	22 - 16	436
The Judgement Has Set                	3:11	21 - 16	416
The King of Love My Shepherd Is      	2:06	10 - 17	197
The King Shall Come                  	2:18	11 - 15	215
The Lord Bless You and Keep You      	1:18	3  - 29	669
The Lord in Zion Reigneth            	2:29	1  - 7	7
The Lord Is Coming The Solid Rock    	2:44	10 - 20	200
The Lord Is in His Holy Temple       	0:42	7  - 27	687
The Lord Is in His Holy Temple *     	0:45	M  - 21	692
The Lord Is My Light                 	3:51	26 - 15	515
The Lord's My Shepherd               	3:15	28 - 6 	546
The Lord's My Shepherd               	2:39	28 - 12	552
The Old Rugged Cross                 	4:19	8  - 19	159
The Sacred Anthem                    	3:13	20 - 6 	386
The Savior Is Waiting                	2:35	15 - 9 	289
The Son of God Proclaim              	2:11	21 - 11	411
The Spacious Firmament               	4:19	5  - 16	96
The Spirit of the Lord Revealed      	3:10	14 - 1 	261
The Strife Is O'er                   	3:04	9  - 12	172
The Unveiled Christ                  	3:35	9  - 18	178
The Way of the Cross Leads Home      	2:40	19 - 25	CSB69
The Wise May Bring Their Learining   	2:55	32 - 18	638
The Wonder of It All                 	3:50	4  - 15	75
The Wonders of Redeeming Love        	2:24	9  - 19	179
Ther'll Be No Sorrow There           	2:23	23 - 3 	443
There Is a Fountain                  	5:10	17 - 16	336
There Is a Green Hill Far Away       	2:31	9  - 4	164
There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today   	3:18	17 - 25	CSB97
There'll Be No Dark Valley           	2:35	11 - 8 	208
There's a Song in the Air            	2:51	6  - 20	120
There's a Spirit in the Air .        	3:04	30 - 4 	584
There's a Wideness                   	2:17	6  - 14	114
There's No Other Name Like Jesus     	4:16	13 - 13	253
There's Sunshine in My Soul Today    	3:17	24 - 10	470
Thine Is the Glory                   	3:52	9  - 11	171
This Is My Father's World            	2:32	5  - 12	92
This Is My Will                      	2:42	18 - 12	352
This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made   	0:24	6  - 29	681
This Is the Threefold Truth          	2:10	11 - 3 	203
This Little Light of Mine            	2:52	29 - 20	580
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne          	3:32	7  - 20	140
Though I Speak With Tongues          	4:35	5  - 1	81
Throned Upon the Awful Tree          	3:10	9  - 1	161
Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord       	2:16	21 - 10	410
Thy Hand, O God Has Guided           	4:27	18 - 11	351
Thy Love, O God                      	3:12	18 - 14	354
Thy Word Is a Lantern                	0:13	5  - 26	676
Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come 	3:18	11 - 12	212
Tis Love That Makes Us Happy         	2:36	29 - 19	579
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus       	3:14	27 - 4 	524
Tis the Blesseed Hour of Prayer      	4:21	26 - 1 	501
To God Be the Glory                  	3:32	18 - 1 	341
To The Name That Brings Salvation    	2:33	33 - 6 	646
Together Let Us Sweetly Live         	3:37	23 - 11	451
Tread Softly                         	3:35	24 - 19	479
Trumpet Voluntary (organ only)       	1:12	33 - 25	
Trust and Obey                       	3:53	30 - 10	590
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus            	3:20	15 - 10	290
Under His Wings                      	3:23	27 - 9 	529
Until Then                           	2:44	32 - 12	632
Unto the Hills                       	3:18	6  - 2	102
Wake the Song                        	3:55	2  - 14	34
Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying     	4:25	11 - 10	210
Watch, Ye Saints                     	4:07	30 - 18	598
Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet    	3:15	19 - 8 	368
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night       	3:02	30 - 12	592
Watchmen, on the Walls of Zion       	2:29	31 - 1 	601
We Are Living, We Are Dwelling       	2:55	31 - 17	617
We Gather Together                   	2:00	1  - 8	8
We Give Thee But Thine Own           	0:23	3  - 30	670
We Give This Child to You            	1:32	19 - 19	379
We Have Heard                        	3:37	23 - 13	453
We Have Not Known Thee               	4:18	15 - 11	291
We Have This Hope                    	1:31	11 - 14	214
We Know Not the Hour                 	3:20	31 - 4 	604
We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord            	2:13	20 - 10	390
We Plow the Fields                   	3:40	29 - 1 	561
We Praise Thee With Our Minds        	2:55	33 - 2 	642
We Speak of the Realms               	3:05	22 - 43	
We Three Kings                       	4:09	7  - 17	137
We Would See Jesus                   	3:14	25 - 14	494
We'll Build on the Rock              	3:07	27 - 11	531
Wedding March (organ only)           	1:00	33 - 27	
Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose         	2:02	19 - 20	380
Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest        	1:50	20 - 11	391
Were You There?                      	5:11	8  - 18	158
What a Friend We Have In Jesus       	3:13	25 - 19	499
What a Wonderful Savior              	3:16	17 - 15	335
What Child Is This?                  	3:40	8  - 1	141
What Does the Lord Require?          	2:05	29 - 11	571
What Heavenly Music                  	2:21	23 - 12	452
What Joy It Is to Worship Here       	1:06	30 - 6 	586
What the World Needs is Jesus        	1:33	27 - 26	CSB16
When Christ Was Lifted From the Earth	2:03	30 - 5 	585
When He Comes                        	3:19	11 - 20	220
When He Cometh                       	0:37	13 - 25	218
When He Cometh                       	2:06	11 - 18	218
When He Cometh                       	0:37	M  - 25	218
When I Can Read My Title Clear       	2:39	24 - 4 	464
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross     	2:53	8  - 15	155
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross     	3:16	8  - 14	154
When in Our Music God is Glorified   	2:11	2  - 12	32
When Jesus Comes in Glory            	3:38	11 - 19	219
When Morning Gilds the Skies         	3:37	3  - 3	43
When on Life a Darkness Falls        	2:58	32 - 11	631
When the Church of Jesus             	2:13	30 - 1 	581
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder    	2:41	11 - 16	216
When We All Get to Heaven            	3:02	32 - 13	633
Where Cross the Crowded Ways..       	3:16	18 - 15	355
Wherever He Leads Me by Susan Maehre 	3:52	30 - 25	
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks 	2:30	7  - 19	139
Whiter Than Snow                     	3:30	16 - 18	318
Who Is He in Yonder Stall?           	5:37	8  - 10	150
Wholly Thine                         	2:40	16 - 8 	308
Wide, Wide as the Ocean              	1:15	23 - 25	CSB10
Will Your Anchor Hold?               	4:09	27 - 14	534
With Songs and Honors                	1:57	2  - 15	35
Wonderful Peace                      	4:09	24 - 6 	466
Wonderful Words of Life              	2:32	15 - 6 	286
Wondrous Love  Southern Harmony      	3:21	9  - 2	162
Work, for the Night Is Coming        	2:48	19 - 15	375
Working, O Christ, With Thee         	2:55	30 - 2 	582
Worthy, Worthy Is the Lamb           	2:13	13 - 6 	246
Ye Servants of God                   	2:29	13 - 16	256
Ye Servants of the Lord              	1:58	30 - 17	597
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones         	3:11	5  - 11	91
Yield Not to Temptation              	2:27	31 - 25	CSB10
You Can Smile                        	0:50	28 - 27	
You That Know the Lord               	4:02	30 - 3 	583
You Will See Your Lord-A-Comin       	2:57	22 - 18	438

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